Welcome to Daily JNMK!

thanks for stopping by <3


This account manually posts new content for the Ensemble Stars!! ship: JunMako as well as RTing content and fics. If you also enjoy this pairing and want a place to find a steady stream of content for them, I welcome you to follow!Admin uses they/them pronouns and is over 18, though this account is for all ages old enough to be on Twitter. Not taking submissions at this time. You may get blocked if you make me uncomfortable.

Content to Expect!

Clearly I will be posting JunMako, and almost all content pertaining to it. Since Admin is a Trickstar + EdenP, there may be some poly content created or RT'd involving other Trickstar and/or Eden members. Here are some further guidelines on this:

  • TAGGING all ships that are not strictly Jun x Makoto will be tagged accordingly. If you would like something specific tagged, feel free to DM me or comment! I will also possibly make AU content, which I will also tag.

  • SHIP HATE will not be tolerated. I am purposefully making it easy to filter out any potential poly ships that may make you uncomfortable. If I feel that you are being disrespectful, I may directly reply to you asking you to stop.

  • EVERYTHING JUNMAKO I will not post anything that does not involve Jun and Makoto together. I may RT solo art of them, and maybe some unit art, but no other ships not involving them will be included or mentioned on this account. If I accidentally RT something non-JunMako to this account feel free to correct me, sometimes I'm an idiot.

  • MUTE/BLOCK Being "annoying" is not a big deal to me, feel free to qrt and spam like as much as you want. If it becomes an issue, I will simply mute you, but it is not a personal thing. If I block you, it likely is, but as stated before I do not expect it to be happening unless you make me wildly uncomfortable

  • RESPECT If you're wildly racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, or hateful in general, you will be catching this block.

  • FUTURE I am hoping to start an "ask JunMako" Curious Cat at some point, but I want to see if I can post regularly first while handling my new workload. Thank you for your patience!

Other Accounts!

The admin for this account is @mapliif ! My art twitter (though rarely used) is @batteriesaccid. Feel free to follow me if you'd like to talk or just. Witness me being incredibly annoying.